Monday, May 19, 2008

There's just something about......God's funny what happens when you are conscientous about letting God lead your life. We had been attending a great church for a couple years but began feeling like God was leading us to a smaller more missional minded church. So, after a lot of conversation and praying, we made the move to Fusion Church in Lake Zurich, Illinois.

Immediately (quite literally) we were asked if we could help a family in the community. We were at church on Sunday and Monday at the zoo when we received a call asking us if we could help. Funny thing is, at the beginning of the year we made a conscious effort in our budget to set aside more money with which to be a blessing. This family needed some diapers...then a gas card to get to Love Inc., on organization that helps people with clothing etc. All of these things we were doing, were actually a little bit of a strain on our finances as it was a tight month for us, but we really believed this was a situation that had been placed in our paths by God. We also knew there was this crazy Christian cliche that you can't "outgive God". So, we continued to help out after reviewing each situation to be sure it was a legitimate need. 1986 Nissan Sentra finally rusted apart. That's right, the engine still runs well but the axle and brake line rusted through. So, I went to bed on a Saturday night and had a conversation with God. Something like this..."God, there's no need for me to go into debt that I can't afford for a can provide." Well, it turns out that on Sunday morning, I was telling our pastor about our car situation when he says "Do you need a car, we have someone that's giving one away"

Isn't that just like God. So, we've upgraded the model of our car by 10 years and it's much bigger so that our whole family can now fit into either of our cars if one is unavailable. God's pretty good huh. And it's always interesting that God rewards our obedience and sacrificial giving in ways that are beyond our expectations.


Anonymous said...

That's awesome Heath! Our God is an Awesome God! He knows our every need and is always right on time! Thanks for sharing that!

Anonymous said...

God is absolutely amazing. It looks like He slaughtered one of those cattle on a thousand hills for you.


dude said...

Health...that was awesome! Thanks for sharing.
